What We Do
Griffin’s Friends has come to know that small acts of kindness can provide the relief that children and families need in times of greatest turmoil. Countless expressions of hope and support result from Griffin’s Friends activities each year.
For example:
• Holiday parties, trips to stage performances and sporting events, summer picnics, and in-hospital and outpatient entertainment;
• Massage Therapy to supplement treatment, encourage relaxation and promote coping;
• The purchase of arts and crafts supplies, toys, computers and computer games, videos and other things needed for recreation in Baystate Children’s Hospital and the outpatient Oncology/Hematology Clinic;
• The funding of a program coordinator whose sole function is the enhancement of activities for Hospital and Clinic cancer patients.
How Can You Help?
• Do you hold Season Tickets to sporting events or stage performances? If you are unable to use your tickets for a game give us a call! We have families whose children range in age from 0-22 years old and can almost always find a match for your kindness.
• Spread the word! Let people know about Griffin’s Friends!